stevenbunn Thu, 03/19/2015 - 07:11
Drilling spindle holes in a miniature Sack-back's top bow
In looking at this picture again, I know my editor would have three "tweaks" he would want. (1) Show the entire miniature in the frame of the camera. (2) Get the electric cord of the drill out of the shot. (3) Lose the masking tape on the body of the electric drill. When you are concentrating on drilling something this small, those are considerations you only think of after the fact. Oh well! Have a good day.
stevenbunn Wed, 03/18/2015 - 09:21

Expanding on my earlier comments about a steamed bow blank stretching unequally as it is bent around a bending jig, I wanted to address the issue of one piece hand-rests versus two piece bow/hand-rest laminations, and the effect of each method on the assembled chair.  I've noticed a number of Windsor chair-makers who make their bows and hand-rests out of a single riven piece of stock. They know the "ideal" length of a particular bow blank for a given chair design and bend the same length of stock time after time. My problem with this method is that it ignores a number of variables that creep in and vary both the length and symmetry of the bow. Some of these variables are; small differences in the compound angles drilled for the arm posts between one side of the chair and the other, the tendency of one side of a bow blank to stretch more than the other (explained in an earlier post), the general orneriness of a given bow blank (differences in grain), the "sproing" as an unclamped bow relaxes when removed from the bending jig, and even the method used to mark out the holes drilled in the arm for the arm-post tenons, any or all may effect a bow's symmetry. And differences in shape effect the gap between the back edge of the seat and the inner side face of the arm bow. These comments are particulary relevant for Comb-back and Sack-back Windsors where the arm bow extends beyond the back edge of the seat and this distance, or gap, determines the angle of the chair's back. Shorten or lengthen this distance and back angle changes.  For the my Sack-back Windsors, as an example, I want an inch gap between these two points as measured with a framing square laid front to back on the seat. This measurement is important because it determines the angle at which the spindles in the arm bow fan out and back from the spindle deck. In a single chair, whether the gap is actually 3/4 of an inch, or 1-1/4 inch, while effecting the angle of the chair's back, isn't usually noticable because the chair is a one-off and it will still be more or less comfortable.. For a batch of chairs, I find that it is an absolute "must do" to fit each bow individually to a specific chair in order to determine the sweetest curve side to side and to create a consistant bow to seat gap, and back angle in the set of chairs. This means that my holes for the arm-post tenons vary from bow to bow, and the glued on blocks from which the hand-rests are cut vary as well. I will talk about how I do this in a future post. Thanks for stopping in.

stevenbunn Tue, 03/17/2015 - 18:25
Turning a 1/4 scale chair leg on the lathe
When turning parts for my miniature chairs I use the same lathe and turning tools I use when turning full-sized chair parts, Billets for turning are split out of grren maple. A miniature billet is around 5/8-inch to 3/4-inch square to start with. The act of turning a part is pretty much the same as doing a larger turning, with one exception. On a full-sized leg I can push the tool into the cut. Try this when turning the neck of a leg's baluster down to 3/16-inch or less, and the turning will snap in two. The tools have to be sharp, and you have to let the tool do the cutting, without applying pressure to force the cut. And, as you can see in the picture I use my finger as a steady rest to support the work and dampen any vibration imparted by the tool as it cuts.
stevenbunn Sun, 03/15/2015 - 09:58
A batch of steambent bows clamped together and left to dry
stevenbunn Sun, 03/15/2015 - 09:46
Another view of steamed arm bow and bending jig
stevenbunn Sun, 03/15/2015 - 09:39
Steam bent arm bow in bending jig
Good Morning,
A little more snow today, but it looks like it will stop. Wishful thinking on my part. I am posting three photos showing steambending arm bows for miniature sack-back Windsor chairs. The ash bow is a shade over 1/8 inch thick, a 1/4 inch minus a 1/32d wide, and 13 1/2 inches long. Whenever I bend bows, whether miniature or full sized, I leave the bow stock over length, and only trim it shorter when I am ready to to fit the bow to the chair. Dispite every effort, each bow is a different beast from its fellows. And, its best to plan on individually adjusting the final bow length one at a time. When you remove a steambent bow from the bending jig the curve of the bow distorts subtly (well you hope subtly). Frequently, one side of the resulting semi-circle can be a 1/4 inch longer than it's other half. Some of this is due to the steamed blank being hotter when you form the first bend, By the time you start to bend  the opposite end of the steamed bow blank the wood is cooler and doesn't stretch as much. To help keep the bows consistant after I take them off the primary bending jig, I clamp them  together (see one of the following photos) and let them dry on a second jig. I leave a batch clamped up for about a week. But each bow remains an individual and this is readily apparent if you lay one on top of another.
stevenbunn Fri, 03/13/2015 - 07:15

In an earlier email exchange, Brian asked if I knew anything about the router base shown in the lede photo of Latta's Minibench article, published in the December 2014 issue of FFW. In truth, all I focused on in the picture was Latta's bench. I was going to have to go to the library this afternoon and check that issue out again to look at the photo more closely. In the meantime Brian found the source for the router base he inquired about. Here it is for anyone interested.


Regarding the router base for the Dremel tool, I found it.

It is used by luthiers to cut slots for frets and other inlay work. It looks like the one that Latta was using to add inlays on the Federal leg in the minibench article. It is kinda expensive but it is far superior to the plastic one that Dremel sells. If you do a lot of inlay work it would be worth the $54.00.

Please feel free to post this too.

stevenbunn Thu, 03/12/2015 - 09:56

Good Morning. Brian thank you for your email. I thought I would post my reply on the blog as it may be of interest to others. I look forward to receiving the chunk of Osage Orange. I have never had the opportunity to work with that species of wood. I haven't really seen that wood since I was a forestry student at the University of Michigan eons ago. The osage orange trees I remember in Michigan were all saplings or small trees. OK for small turnings, similar to apple wood, but nothing large enough for sawn lumber stock.The Phippsburg church for whom I am building the baptismal font want me to incorporate a piece of wood from a 250 year old linden tree, planted in the church yard, at the time the church was founded. I went to college just as Earth Day happened. Within a year or two the School of Natural Resources student population exploded. All the freshman engineers who flunked out of the engineering school (Michigan proudly told it incoming engineering classes that less than 10 percent of them would graduate as engineers), decided to become foresters rather than english teachers. Naturally, it followed that when we graduated, there were no jobs. I have always noticed in a humorous but sad way that if you ask cabinetmakers of a certain age what they studied in college, you will find that they are unemployed foresters, wildlife biologists, botonists, and any other NR major you name. The person with a personality drawn to working alone in the woods is equally at home working by himself in a wood shop. Anyway, I definitely did not consider an advanced degree after reviewing the number of rejection letters I received. My favorite nephew is a junior at the University of Maine, studying forestry. I've tried to talk him out of it, but no luck.

As to the question of when I find time to write. Well, this morning it is clear, freezing, and the wind is howling. The wind chill is awfull. It is a lot more attractive to sit at the computer with a cup of coffee and type than wander out to the shop and get a fire going. I will. Just not now. Speaking of weather, it reached a balmy 54 degrees yesterday and things started to melt. The problem today is that with the return of cold temps, black ice is everywhere. A bit of good news, Mt Kilamanjaro, the mountain of snow at the end of the drive is gone. Snow was so piled up so high and deep I couldn't get the wife's car out of the garage in the barn. The earlier picture of the shop and snow posted here at an earlier date this winter doesn't begin to show the pile that's accumulated since that picture was posted. A neighbor down the street brought his tractor over Saturday, and between the two of us, and working several more hours Sunday, we managed to clear away the mountain of snow. I can walk directly to the shop from the house for the first time in about two months. Yesterday it was warm enough for me to crank over and run the weasel. Cold batteries just do not crank a deisel fast enough to start the engine. Knowing this from past experience I didn't try while temps were well below zero the past couple of weeks.

On you comment about router bases, I need to pull the December issue of FWW out of the library and take a look at the base you asked about. I don't subscribe to most woodworking magazines today because I find many of the articles deal with things I already know, areas of the craft that I don't work in, or design styles I find not to my taste. I am already regretting subscribing to Popular Woodworking. In the most recent issue, the only article of interest to me was Peter Follansbee's essay about the pile of started but unfinished projects that fill his shop, and according to death inventories taken in the 1700 and 1800's our predecessor"s shops as well. For my part, my shop is filled with half started work, and protype designs that are 80 to 90 percent OK, but there is something still not quite right with the overall design. Right now I have two high-chairs that have been sitting for a couple of years waiting for new "better" bows to be made.I've made new bending jigs for what I hope will be new bows that I find satisfactory. If not, we'll do it again. But my ash log is still buried in the snow, and the paying work is taking priority this month. Speaking of paying work, I had better wrap this up and go out and light the stove. Thanks again for dropping by.

stevenbunn Mon, 03/09/2015 - 11:21

Good Morning,

Good news for anyone wanting to comment on any of my blog posts. The registration/log in program has been tweaked so that those who want to post a comment may do so. Visitors who want to just read already posted comments, but not post a comment, need only hit the "comment" or "read more" buttons. There is no need to log in to read the blog and previously posted comments.

If, however, you wish to say something about what I, or previous commentators, have written, you need to register and then log in.

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2. After logging in. A "comment" window will pop up. Enter your comment. Then scroll to the bottom of the page and hit the "Save"  button. When you are done, hit the "log out" button at the top right of the page. There is also an edit button so you can change your post if you want.

3. Your comment will not show up instantaneously. As a safeguard against spam, I receive an email each time someone enters a comment. I have to click on a "publish comment/deny publication" link. When I hit the "print comment" button your comment will appear below the blog post. I try to check the blog several times a day, but blogging isn't my day job. So please be patient.

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Thanks for your patience.

stevenbunn Fri, 03/06/2015 - 15:51
One of Mark Donovan's small Luthier's Planes
This small Luthier's plane with it's laminated body and round bottomed profile is the tool I use to finish forming the seat saddles on my miniatures, after first roughing out the saddle with a gouge. The little plane is a shade over four and a half inches long, and has an iron one inch wide. The stock is laminated tiger maple and mohogany. Mark makes these planes in a number of widths. He is happy to do custom work if you need something specific. Mark is a craftsman whom I greatly respect. I am always curious what's going to emerge from his shop next.
Today he brought back the table skirts and legs of the communion table, which he had taken to his shop to carve. When I was awarded this job, I specificlly recommended that Mark do the carving. His part in the project balloned well beyound my expectations when the church design committee opted for a design that wrapped completely around the base of the table. As I assemble the table I will post pictures on this page.
Mark makes everything from black-powder flint lock rifles to guitars and violins. ( I still have violins on my to-do list for my next life time. It sure isn't going to happen sooner.) Mark's work can be seen on his website He can be contacted at <>. A quick additional note, if you are interested in hand crafted wooden hand planes please visit Mark's site. The variety offered are worth your time, and the photo quality is much better than my quick shot included with this post. I should have just copied one of his pictures. Oh well. Looking again at Mark's website brings to mind my standard joke that I tell at shows where I demonstrate chair-making. I always quip that I live in a village with twenty-five other cabinet-makers. When I count the number of friends in town who are cabinet-makers, home builders, timber-framers, boat-builders, luthiers, bowl turners, etc, etc, this joke isn't a joke. Thank God Mark doesn't do Windsor chairs. Have a great day.
